
below is a list of the main Watercolour offerings, this is however not limited so if you have any other ideas please send an enquiry


My love for Watercolour began in 2018, I adore the versatility of the medium, which allows me to create beautiful Animal Portraits, Landscapes and Floral studies.

To see more of these visit the gallery tab.

Watercolour Animal Portrait Paintings

Each Animal portrait is hand sketched, painted in Watercolour and finished with Ink details to add depth and texture in my unique style.
Whether its a portrait of your beloved pet or a favourite animal of yours, any animals are welcome here, the more the merrier!

To start your Animal painting journey please fill out the form at the bottom of the page.
Please include the Animal ( or pet) you would like painting, an idea of size (A4,A3) and if you have a deadline the painting may be needed for (Birthday etc)

PRICING - single pet A4 - £135, single Pet / Two pets A3 £245 (additional pets +£)

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Watercolour Landscapes

Do you have a favourite landscape, mountain, beach, lake, that holds a special memory?
why not turn it into your very own original hand painted piece of artwork for your to treasure forever.
Please fill out the form below


Watercolour Florals

I can create beautiful hand painted floral wreathes compromising of your favourite flowers, or seasonally themed.
Green fingered? A painting for your garden, to bring your adored outdoor space indoors.
Wedding Bouquet paintings.
Please fill out the form below

Watercolour House portraits

House proud? or have a building that sparks precious memories?
We can bring this to life by hand painting the archeological details refining them with fine line ink details.
Please fill out the form below


Get in touch.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you have an idea and need someone to bring it to life, your after a precious gift for someone or even a treat for yourself.

Please send an enquiry if you wish to discuss further.